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eurodrives, the new representation in Switzerland 

We are pleased to inform you that we are representing the products of Marelli Motori and KNÖDLER-GETRIEBE in Switzerland.

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Alignment / Vibration Analysis 


After each new installation and assembly of the refurbished machines, a correct alignment of the machines’ lasers must be performed. This is a first point of savings for a company, as it ensures the following:

  • lower power consumption by the drive machines
  • longer life of the motion transmission elements
  • longer life of the bearings and bearing seats
  • less consumption of lubricants in the areas of the drive shafts
  • less vibrations
  • fewer hours required for machine maintenance, as they are subject to less wear and tear

Analisi delle vibrazioni

L’analisi delle vibrazioni consiste nella valutazione di parametri come la traslazione, la velocità e l’accelerazione delle macchine o dei singoli componenti e permette la diagnosi del funzionamento dei componenti (cuscinetti e ingranaggi).
L’analisi delle vibrazioni generate dalle macchine viene effettuata presso la sede del cliente con strumenti portatili o con l’assistenza remota tramite speciali unità di controllo a distanza.